Beloved, I welcome you to our Empowerment Sunday. May you embrace, manifest and experience fresh testimonies in His presence today in Jesus name. The word of the Lord is coming to an individual. The Lord opened my eyes and I saw as a great light entered into your family. The Lord said that light signifies the testimony that you have been waiting for. Selah.

The Lord showed me another family. I saw as you all stood in front of your house and a swarm of bees was approaching. You rushed inside to close the door, but you realised all the windows of your children’s room were opened. Though the bees entered, the Lord rendered them powerless. How secured are your children against spiritual attacks? I saw as the spirit of insanity overtook an individual, but the power of God subdued it totally. The Lord raise a concern concerning someone called Adunni. Could it be your pet name or middle name? I do not know. There is a flag raised concerning you.

Lastly, the Lord is talking about a husband today. He showed me as you torment your wife and you will never allow her to seek for help. I saw her so helpless and crying for help in her closet. If this is your family, you may need counselling and prayers. Please do see me after the service.

Today is our Empowerment Sunday. Our focus will be on Harvest of souls for the kingdom. The Harvest is plentiful, but the labourers are few. Are you ready for this Great Commission? I welcome you if today is your first time of worshipping with us. We love and appreciate. Please do sit back to enjoy the service. I prophecy unending miracle into your week and new month in Jesus name.


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