Establish your Heart
Patience is a virtue that most people lack. In this day and age people want things done fast and are not willing to wait for its proper maturity. We have

From the Alter
Beloved, I welcome you to our Empowerment Sunday. May you embrace, manifest and experience fresh testimonies in His presence today in Jesus name. The word of the Lord is coming

The Fruit of The Spirit
Every tree considered productive produces a fruit. Orange trees produce oranges. Apple trees, apples. By the fruit of a tree, you recognize the tree. So also, is the life of

What The Bible Says About Evangelists
An evangelist is a preacher of the gospel. He calls all men to repentance and proclaims the message of salvation through Christ. He also builds up the church. I charge

Looking back in time and remembering my younger self who out of a passion for the things of the Lord would fidget about standing before another to preach the gospel.

Developing Spiritual Boldness
Developing spiritual boldness is not an outward process. It is an inside work that must occur in every believer. It is not a thing you wish upon yourself but a