
Our vision is simple yet profound: to build a united fellowship of men rooted in Christ, where each of us is nurtured, supported and empowered, to lead with integrity and love, helping each of us to continue fulfilling God’s divine purpose for our lives.

In a world filled with diverse distractions and division, we are called to be a light, not just to our church, families and communities but to one another. Our goal is to see a fellowship where every man is involved, financially healthy and growing spiritually, through strengthening relationships with God, family, and the church.


Our mission is to foster unity, personal growth, and leadership in our fellowship. We are called to lead by example, following the principles outlined in Scripture. As Philippians 2:3-4 tells us:
“Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.”
The ExCo will be an example of service. We commit to ensure that every voice is heard. Our fellowship is not just about meetings or events—it’s about brotherhood, support, and service.

A Message from the President and Executive Committee (ExCo) of the Men’s Fellowship, RCCG OOL

Dear Elders, Leaders, and Brothers in Christ,

I greet you all in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. On behalf of the 2024-26, Executive Committee (ExCo), I am humbled and honoured to serve as the President of the RCCG Men’s Fellowship for the next two years. Taking on the mantle, as the 3rd President of Men’s Fellowship, I want to share my heart, the collective vision of the 2024-26 ExCo; and the inaugural plans we believe will unite, grow, and empower us as men of God. I say inaugural as we will be a dynamic ExCo working together with you to deliver on our vision and mission.

2-Year Plan

Note that these are only our initial plans. We expect them to adapt with your feedback.

Engage and Reach Out to Every Man:

There are many among us who, for one reason or another, have become disconnected from the Fellowship. Our goal is to increase engagement by personally reaching out to every brother and working with an agenda that fulfils our needs – spiritually, bodily, financially. We aim to involve every man in at least 6 events or activities each year. Whether it’s an onsite visit to a home, supporting a church outreach event, or a prayer session, we will find ways to bring everyone into the fold. Hebrews 10:25 reminds us not to neglect meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but to encourage one another.

Strengthen Fellowship and Unity:

We will intentionally break down any barriers that may create cliques or divisions among us. I encourage all of us to engage with one another beyond our comfort zones. We will schedule regular monthly fellowships such as our monthly Connects including Onsite retreats, to foster deeper connections. As Psalm 133:1 says, “How good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell together in unity!”

Promote Financial Responsibility and Transparency.

Only a few men are currently regular with their dues. This hinders our ability to serve each other and support the church effectively. Over the next two years, we will implement a transparent financial plan, clearly outlining our goals and where funds are needed. We’ll also make it easier for everyone to contribute, no matter the amount. Luke 6:38 says, “Give, and it will be given to you,” and your contributions will be used to bless others.

Build Stronger Spiritual Foundations.

Our growth as a fellowship is only as strong as our spiritual foundation. We will increase our focus on prayer, Bible study, and mentorship. Whether it’s through small groups, accountability partners, or teaching sessions, we will help each other grow as spiritual leaders. 1 Timothy 3:2-7 gives us the blueprint: we must be men of integrity, self-control, and respect, managing our homes and responsibilities with godly wisdom.

Support Families and the Church.

As men, we have a responsibility to lead in our homes and to support the church. We will plan and support initiatives like Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, and joint fellowships with the women. These will not only strengthen our bonds with our families but also bring us together as a church.

Financial Stability and Legacy Delivery

Another priority for this ExCo under empowerment theme, is to help OOL Men achieve financial stability and deliver on their legacy through creating business partnership opportunities.

Men’s Conference

We will select a weekend to have the inaugural Men’s Conference which promises to be a day of teaching, sharing and learning just for men. The challenges for Christian men in today’s world are distinct. Many men, not just Christians struggle with misplaced societal expectations, loneliness, and isolation either from fear of vulnerability or a lack of meaningful relationships. How can we overcome these and other challenges, form genuine bonds with other believers and establish accountability that strengthens our walk with Christ?

Skills Identification & Cross Community Support

A priority for us is that we empower OOL men in business, career and finance. We have a lot of professionals from diverse fields and need to know you better, understand your skills and “outside Church” interests. Ultimate aim is to create an inventory of men with skills that allow mentoring, coaching and cross-fertilization of ideas in a “safe space setting”. This initiative is devoted to making it easier for this sort of cross community support.

Bi-Monthly Buddy Program

This is a program where we pair Men together and they reach out to themselves, share each other’s contacts, connect, learn, get inspired and grow. Aim is that you have a buddy for 2 months and at the end of the year, you would have got to engage with 6 other men. Of course, you can still connect with your buddy even after the 2 months have expired!

Quarterly Network & Refer Program

This is a quarterly session where we get professionals from other fields to come and share their thoughts, experiences and provide guidance for individuals seeking career advancement or personal growth. We will pair people working with top companies, with aspiring professionals. Expectation is that post-session, the professionals will pick 1 or 2 attendees for job referral. We acknowledge that there are no guarantees, as final hiring decision would depend on HR, Hiring Manager and internal processes.

Refresh of Men’s Page on OOL Website to be One Stop Shop

You can tell that this new ExCo is moving a pace in line with our vision. To keep up with all the dynamic programs we are refreshing the Men’s section of the OOL website (link here), so stay tuned for upcoming events, testimonials, success stories, career buddy sign up etc.

Further Planning

As men we are expected to take charge with vim and vigour. This is our first 1 week on the job. We are still learning and do not have all the answers. Expect us to add further items on our mission.

Help Needed from You. 

This vision can only be achieved with your active participation. I encourage you to: 
Share your thoughts and ideas. Let’s build a culture where feedback is welcomed and valued. 
Stay connected. Attend meetings, join events, and make an effort to fellowship with one another. 
Contribute financially to help the fellowship thrive. 
Commit to praying for each other, our leaders, and the church. 
Together, with God’s grace and strength, we will build a fellowship that reflects His love, serves His purpose, and grows us in further maturity into the men He has called us to be. I look forward to walking this journey with you all. 

What's Next?

Beginning Sun 29 Sep, each member of the ExCo will introduce themselves to the Men’s Forum.  

God bless you all. 

In Christ’s Service, 

Dr Maurice Ezeoke 
President, 2024 RCCG OOL Men’s Fellowship